

Since 1990, the University of Connecticut American English Language Institute (UCAELI), has provided English instruction to more than 3,000 students from countries throughout the world. UCAELI supports all students in pursuit of their goals by providing high quality instruction and access to the university's academic, professional, social and cultural resources. UCAELI is a program for learners who want to study or improve their English for professional or personal goals. It is also a program for learners who want to pursue academic goals, such as an undergraduate or graduate education.

Our Mission

  • To provide students with quality language instruction that enables the achievement of their personal, academic and professional goals.
  • To maximize our students' access to UConn's educational, cultural and community resources.
  • To assist our students in their transition to mainstream academic courses.
  • To support university-wide needs for specialized English programs and services, including language instruction.
  • To provide our students and community with opportunities for international experiences and learning through interactions with others from a variety of cultural backgrounds.


All UCAELI instructors in the Intensive English Program hold Master’s degrees or Ph.D.s in fields including Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Linguistics, Communication Studies or English. 

Administrative Staff

Jeannie Slayton headshot. Smiling next to tree on UConn campus.

Jeannie Slayton, Ph.D



Fernando Rodriguez-Barberet

Program Administrator

Ana Colon-Wallace headshot. Smiling next to tree on UConn campus.

Ana Colón-Wallace, M.A.

Program Assistant



Monica Rocha Antonin


Daniela Falco

Daniela Falco


Nyr Indictor
