Recruiting Partner

Becoming a Recruiting Partner

The University of Connecticut English Language Institute (UCAELI) is accepting recruiting partners for the upcoming year. New agencies and agencies interested in renewing their existing partnerships are encouraged to participate in this process. Please note that UCAELI requires a signed international student recruiting agreement to be in place with the University of Connecticut prior to working with any agents on a commission basis.

There are two types of contracts available:

Short-Term Contract: This is a good place to start for agencies who will send less than 19 total enrollments per year to UCAELI. This agent agreement is good for one year and the maximum dollar amount for all commissions for the year must be under $24,999.

Multi-Year Contract: This is a contract that is issued for three years for agencies who will send between 19 and 70 enrollments per year to UCAELI. The maximum dollar amount for all commissions each year must be under $100,000.

Steps towards completing an Agent Agreement:

  1. Complete the Agent Application – this application provides UCAELI with the information needed to start an agent profile with the university purchasing department.
  2. After a new agent profile is initiated by UCAELI, you will receive an email directly from purchasing inviting you to complete your company profile and registration. More details about this step and the steps that follow will be sent directly to the email listed on the application.